Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Travel The World.

There's nothing better than packing up your suitcase and traveling by car, train, boat or plane. Whether you are exploring somewhere completely new or returning to one of your favorite places, in my eyes, there is nothing more exciting.

Traveling is definitely one of my favorite things to do. I love every part of traveling with both my family or friends. Unlike some people, I really enjoy packing my case up the night before, organizing all my flight essentials and waking up early all excited ready for the drive to the airport. Airports. Oh my god. I love airports. Weird, I know. Most people (especially my Dad) find airports very stressful because of the long lines, making sure your baggage is the right weight and having to go through the hassle of security. I literally love everything about airports, people watching, shopping, getting some food and the general build up to the holiday!

Even though traveling is just really fun because usually you're on vacation and have time to relax I love visiting new places, exploring new cities, tasting local cuisine and embracing different cultures. I'm studying Journalism at University and I hope that one day either my career in writing or sport will enable me to travel the world and continue to visit new countries. In the mean time, here are my 3 favorite places I have ever travelled and 3 places that I have never been but really want to visit.

My Favorite Places...

1. Australia

I've been lucky enough to go to Australia 4 times because my godfather and Dad's best friend lives out there. Ever since we first visited, we all fell in love with the Ozzy lifestyle. I have been to most places along the east coat of Australia because we road tripped from Melbourne to Cairns over 6 weeks. The country is so laid back and relaxed with absolutely stunning cities, breathtaking nature and endless golden sandy beaches. No matter where you go there is always something fun to do and you're always surrounded by super chilled out, friendly people. Australia is definitely somewhere I aspire to live one day. We are going back to Oz this year for Christmas and New Year. I absolutely can't wait to visit our family friends, kick back and relax whilst exploring new places Sydney.

2. South Africa

I spent 2 weeks in South Africa in 2013 to conduct voluntary conservative research in Kruger National Park and then travel to Mozambique to scuba dive and analyze the sea-life in the surrounding oceans. Spending time in South Africa was completely liberating and completely changed my perspective on conservation, poverty and what our real priorities should be. During my time I was honored to see many animals in their natural habitat such as huge elephant herds, hippos, lions, cheetahs, hyenas, zebra, baboons and many more. I also gained my PADI diving qualification and got to dive with the most colorful fish, manta ray and different species of sharks. I definitely want to return to South Africa to Safari and would recommend it to everyone.

3. France

France is a country we used to visit numerous times a year when I was younger. We spent most summers and Christmas' there but recently we haven't been going as often. This summer though, we returned to France and I really enjoyed it. It made me realize that Europe is absolutely stunning and you don't have to go on huge long haul flights to embrace such diverse cultures and beautiful countries. Whilst in France we were able to take a short train ride to Monaco, Monte Carlo. France offers so much from the romantic, upbeat atmosphere in the city of love, Paris to the scenic mountains and vine yards in the South.

Where I Want to Travel Next...

1. India

One part of the world that I haven't ever visited or travelled around is Indonesia. I've been to most of Europe and travelled around both America and Australasia. So I'm really eager to explore countries such as India. There are so many reasons why I'd love to visit India, such as the diverse culture, exquisite cuisine and it's natural beauty. 

2. Thailand

I was never really that interested in visiting Thailand as it's commonly perceived as a dangerous country, ridden in diseases and unhygienic conditions. However, many of my friends have spent their gap years in Thailand and it looks absolutely stunning. Regardless of the horror stories, there are many beautiful parts of Thailand to be explored, away from the polluted streets and rivers. I'm also in love with Thai food, so I'd like to experience the local cuisine myself.

3. Maldives

I can't deny that I would love to spend a few weeks relaxing in the Maldives. I can't think of anything better than kicking back in a cute little hut, suspended above the clear blue sea, in beautiful weather! As much as my Mum and I are dying to visit the Maldives, my Dad isn't so keen as he's convinced it's threatened by tsunamis and tidal waves...... Guess the Maldives can wait until my honey moon then!!!

That's all! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it even though it was a longer post. I would love to get any feed back, so if you enjoy the blog or have any suggestions for the future definitely let me know! 


Hannah x

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Best Years of Your Life.

During your time at University it's so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of deadlines, homework, exams, schedules and teenage drama, but you have to take a step back and realise that these are the best years of your life. University may seem stressful because you constantly worry about failing classes or not succeeding but if you can't manage your stress now, you're going to struggle later in life! You may not notice it, but right now you are stress free with no serious responsibilities, doing what you love, surrounded by thousands of people your age.

Sometimes I find myself getting into a stagnate routine; class in the morning, practice all afternoon, homework, bed...repeat. However, I'll always  stop myself an think, life is fucking good. I know everyone has they're problems and upsets but I think our generation often forgets to view the bigger picture. It may seem so cliche, but you have to appreciate that you have a roof over your head, access to clean water, clothes to wear and a huge support network of friends and family, whether you realise it or not. For those reasons it kills me hearing stupid, pathetic complaints about the smallest, most irrelevant things. I'm so grateful for the position I'm in and the environment I'm surrounded by and you should be too.

It may suck that you have student loans, tight budgets and have to pay for ridiculous textbooks, but embrace it. Enjoy the fact that you're not paying mortgages, insurance, utilities, school fees and bank bills. I guarantee the day that you are finally earning the money to go buy all the clothes you want, you'll be buying them for your kids or paying off debt.

Whether you're at university, college, taking a gap year or working from home...be grateful and appreciate the best years of your life. Right now, I'm surrounded by thousands of students, endless opportunities and activities. Make smart decisions and get involved, but never live with regrets. Enjoy your college years, go to the parties, make new friends, achieve the most you can and get your priorities right. You won't get this ever chance again! Absorb every second of it.

Currently, I'm in a position where I can play field hockey every single day and share the experience with 22 similar minded girls. You may not recognise it but you are in control of your life right now. You get to choose your classes, adjust your schedule to meet your needs and no one can tell you what to do. You have the control of whether you want to work to 100% of your ability or not give a sh*t. Once you're done with college you won't have those choices. It's likely you'll be under the control of a boss and you'll get no choice in what time you start or what you do. The grass isn't greener on the other side...*after college*. All I'm trying to encourage is that you recognise how lucky you are and that these 3-5 years will be the best of your life.

Yes, of course earning a good salary, getting married, buying a house and having kids will be amazing too, but I watch too many of my peers waste their chances at university because they're too narrow minded to be grateful for what they have.

So please, love your life...because it is f***ing great.

Even if it doesn't feel it right now.


Hannah x

Sunday, 7 September 2014

August Favorites

Now August is over and I'm back into the full swing of classes and practice, it's time for a blogpost about my August Favorites.

Before I list you my favorite things of the month, here's a quick update on my second year in America so far! I'm currently sitting on a bus (story of my life) heading to our fourth game of the season vs Boston College. So far hockey has been going really well, we are learning so much as a team and growing everyday. Practice is still very testing for me in the 30 degree heat, but I'm not complaining. I heard England is pretty chilly right now...

Classes are going well so far. I mean, it's been one week...but still... My schedule is very relaxed this semester so I can focus on hockey whilst hopefully improving on my GPA! Posittve, positive, positive, right?!

Anyway, here are my August Favorites.

First up is my Macbook Pro. I bought my Mac back in March and it has honestly been a great purchase. My old laptop was an HP. I was always hesitant of making the move to Apple software but it has been well worth it. The speed and quality of my Mac never lets me down, it's much more portable than my old laptop and overall way better!

Secondly, I have to include my favorite YouTube channel, the SacconeJolys. Now if you spend a lot of time with me you'll be well aware that everyday I watch 'vlogs' on YouTube. If you're not familiar with 'vlogs', they are 'video blogs' of a person or family daily life. The SacconeJolys are an Irish family living in London who run a very successful YouTube channel where they post vlog episodes daily. They have two children and 6 maltese dogs! It is basically reality television and I have to admit it's my guilty pleasure. I've been watching their episodes for a few months now and it's crazy how much their children have grown and developed. It's what I watch when I'm just chilling in bed, I view it as more of a TV show than a vlog. I would encourage you to take a look, I'm hooked! It's so refreshing following them as I think everyone can relate to their situations and  family dramas, they are very open about their parenting. If you want to watch some light hearted, fun family footage, (also if you love babies and dogs haha) this is my suggestion.

With pre season feeling like years ago and season well under way, I have to say I'm loving my new hockey equipment. I'm playing with a Dita stick this season, a first for me. I was always a dedicated Grays player but enjoyed my Adidas stick last year and the Dita isn't causing any complaints yet! However, I am loving my new Adidas Astro-turfs! I've always found Adidas shoes very comfortable and they just work well for me. The only criticism I have of the Adidas turfs is that after 3 pairs, they all seem to split in the same part along the soul. This could be due to my feet and how I plant my foot when I run/change direction.  Even so, they last me a season and I couldn't fault them in any other way!

Finally, last but not least is my BIG JAMBOX. I absolutely love it. I got extremely lucky as I came across it in an electronic pawn shop in my hometown. I got it for an absolute bargain and it's in great condition. I've always wanted a high quality bluetooth speaker and the JamBox is perfect. It connects extremely easily to multiple devices and has some useful features, You can update it online and it provides warnings of battery level. Furthermore, the battery life is very efficient and lasts a long time. Also, when it does need charged, a full charge only takes under an hour. The quality of sound is perfect, it sounds great in my dorm and in the locker room! It definitely hits a high volume however, at full blast some quality is lost on the last notch! I'm taking it to our away game today as it's very portable and not heavy at all. Great purchase :)

That's all for now!

I have a few fun blogposts planned such as 'Why College is the Best Years of your Life' and a post about my new pet mice, Pebbles and Piglet.


Hannah x